Useful Tips to Help Save Money and Our Precious Planet
Originally posted on & updated on 8th January, 2025
There is no doubt that the climate is changing. The ice caps are melting, our winters are getting warmer, and summer now includes flash flooding. So, what can you do in your French home to repair / renovate your home, help improve the planet and save money on rising energy costs? Well, here are some effective ways to go about it.
Energy-Efficient Lighting
Fit energy-saving light bulbs. While many of us have switched to more efficient lighting, even better options are now available. LED bulbs are the most energy-efficient and long-lasting choice. They use significantly less energy and last much longer than traditional incandescent bulbs or even CFLs (compact fluorescent lamps). Making this switch can significantly reduce your energy consumption and lower your electricity bills.
Insulate! Roughly half of the average house’s heat is lost through its loft and walls. So, lag your loft with eco-friendly, recycled newspaper insulation or sheep’s wool. If you’ve got cavity walls, get them filled too. Proper insulation can significantly reduce heating costs and make your home more comfortable year-round.
Renewable Energy
Build a mini power plant! Solar energy panels have become even more efficient and affordable over the years. They can generate a significant portion of a typical home’s annual electricity needs, regardless of which French region you live in. A solar thermal installation can also provide a substantial amount of your hot water needs. Additionally, domestic wind turbines can further reduce your dependence on the French national grid, especially in areas with consistent wind.
Heating Efficiency
Fit reflective foil behind your radiators. Half of the heat from most radiators goes straight out the back and gets wasted. Reflective foil can redirect this heat back into the room, making your heating system more efficient and reducing energy waste.
Efficient Water Heating
Get an eco kettle and boil just the right amount of water for your requirements. It’s incredible the amount of unnecessary power you can save this way. Modern eco kettles are designed to be more energy-efficient, boiling water quickly and using less electricity.
Reduce Standby Power
Say ‘au revoir’ to standby lights. The average home wastes 6-10% of their electricity bill annually to keep gadgets unnecessarily blinking on standby. So turn them off! Use smart power strips that automatically cut power to devices when not in use, further reducing standby power consumption.
Water Conservation
Use less water. We each waste 150 litres of water daily, and the lavatory is one of the key water wasters. Many French homes have a dual-flush loo, but if not, fit a water-saving device or stick a full plastic water bottle in your cistern so it uses less water per flush. Additionally, consider installing low-flow showerheads and faucets to reduce water usage without sacrificing performance.
Smart Meters
Get a smart meter. Most people have no idea how much they spend on electricity at home, even after another confusing bill has landed on their kitchen table. By law, old meters must be replaced by smart meters, so get a Linky meter so you can track down where all your electricity is going. They provide real-time data on your energy consumption, helping you identify areas where you can save money and reduce waste.
Energy-Efficient Appliances
Finally, always buy energy-efficient appliances. What’s on in every home, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and 365 days a year? It’s your fridge freezer! So whenever you’re replacing yours or buying other white goods—including washing machines—look out for the EU Energy Label. “A” is the top rating, but now there is also A++ and even A+++ for the most efficient models. Choosing energy-efficient appliances can significantly lower your energy bills and reduce your carbon footprint.
By implementing these updated tips, you can save money while positively impacting the environment. Every small change counts; together, we can create a more sustainable future for ourselves and our precious and only planet.