The PUMA System in France
Originally posted on & updated on 8th June, 2024
The PUMA system (Protection Universelle Maladie) was introduced in 2016, it was created to simplify access to health care and avoid living in France with no health cover. This measure is also useful for the self-employed who want to enrol with the health care system and want to stop their activity. This means that they are able to continue their health cover via the PUMA system.
What Does it change for an Early Retiree?
For early retirees who can’t get cover via an S1 form, the access to health is based on residency in France. So if you have been in France for more than 3 months and can prove this, you can apply for the PUMA at the CPAM.
You will need to provide:
- CERFA form the social security will ask you to fill in
- Passport
- Birth certificate translated in French
- Proof of residence in France for more than 3 month via a household bill
- Your Bank Details or RIB
- A Declaration de ‘médecin traitant’ (your GP)
You will be expected to pay into the system and the amount will be means tested, or if you prefer based on your income. CPAM will deliver you with a ‘Carte Vitale’ and you will be entitled to enjoy and claim some of the beat health care in Europe, if not the world.
For retirees and seniors arriving with an S1 form, there will be nothing to pay as your health care will be paid for by the UK health authorities, until we hear other wise.
For information or a quote for a top-up health insurance, fill out this form, you will receive a competitive quote in english, by email, usually within 24 hours.
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