French Property Blog - Advice, Tips and News

If you ask anyone from outside of France to say the first word they associate with the country, some would probably say love. Some might tell you it’s the beautiful landscape that springs to mind. While others might…
When you picture how life would be in a certain country or region you might take inspiration from scenes in films which have stuck in your mind. France is known as a producer of fine things and its films are no exception,…
If you’re looking to buy a property in France chances are its traditional buildings have played a significant part in seducing you. The French are arguably best known for their haute couture and this high standard…
The summer might be over in Britain but September is a month when France comes alive, making it our favourite time of the year. The warm weather, long days and minimal tourists are just some of the reasons why you too will…
Would you be surprised to know that over 100,000 American’s currently live in France? We often talk about moving from the UK but we forget about France’s special friendship with our neighbours across the pond.…
Britain’s vote to leave the European Union was almost a month ago and although there has been a massive uproar amongst its politicians and public the outcome remains the same, but what does this mean for those of you…
Bastille Day or ‘La Fête Nationale’ as it’s known in France honours the French Republic and the storming of the Bastille on the 14th July 1789. The French national holiday celebrations are not to…
One of our team members recently recalled a regular conversation she had with her parents about the opportunity for them to retire to France. She explained that her Mum is nearing retirement age and although she holidays…
France is renowned for being luxurious from designer brands to glamorous coastlines but beyond the famous landmarks, breath-taking scenery, and mouth-watering cuisine lies a land where you can experience the most luxurious…