French Property Blog - Advice, Tips and News

In 2016, the French region of Languedoc-Roussillon underwent some changes as it merged with its neighbour Midi-Pyrenees to form a sort of super-region that is now called Occitanie . Covering much of the South of France and…
Dramatic coastline explorers will find medieval towns, culinary delights, and seemingly endless rural lanes; there is more to Brittany than meets the eye. Set in northwest France, Brittany is known as Bretagne in French…
The French Riviera or the Cote-d'Azur as it’s known in France is renowned for many things; a Mediterranean climate, a string of celebrity residents and a luxurious lifestyle but we’re taking a closer look beyond…
There’s so much to love about France, the weather, the people, the food but what about their style? A touch of French country style can transform any space to make your home have that Provencal charm or help complement…
There are many reasons why you will have thought about, dreamt of, or even considered moving to France; the culture, the climate and the cost, but what has stopped you from making that move? France has over 170,000 expats…
What a year of sport for France? In June, they will welcome football fans from across Europe as they host the UEFA Euro 2016 but before then France’s best 15 players will compete in one of rugby’s toughest competitions;…
Over the past year UK home owners have all been living with the effects of George Osborne’s overhaul of the antiquated stamp duty system. Tax on homes worth less than £925,000 have been lowered whereas properties…
We recently congratulated our friends as they moved into their new home in France. In the UK we often send a card or a close friend maybe a gift. We have a custom in France when someone moves home, we send a bottle of champagne…
As you head towards the Christmas season there are many traditions that you will uphold without even thinking twice such as; a customary conifer, delicately wrapped presents and copious amounts of mulled wine. Before you…