French Property Blog - Advice, Tips and News

In recent weeks our blog has focused on the healthcare system in France, in this article we explore the best ways to choosing your Top-Up Health Insurance cover. While this isn’t one of the more glamorous parts of…
If you’re planning a new life in France, you’re sure to have done lots of research and will be facing many decisions, but one really important aspect of this adventure is often ignored until it’s too late.…
When you decide to move to France and buy your dream home, one of the first things you’ll need to do is open a bank account. When it comes to banks in France, like in the UK there’s plenty of choice. Caisse d’Epargne…
As we mentioned in our previous article , the organisation in France that manages the healthcare system is called CPAM (Caisse Primaire d’Assurance Maladie). While most villages and small towns will either have a CPAM…
The healthcare system in France is recognised as one of the best in the world and although not complicated for French people, it can be a bit confusing at first for people who move to France from the UK. In this article…
If you’re thinking of moving to France with kids of any age, the likelihood is that you’ll have further education in your sights in some shape or form. While some kids that move to France with their parents even…
One of the main attractions of moving to France with kids is the fact that it’s a country that embraces the whole notion of ‘les enfants’ with open arms. In the UK, we’re accustomed to timidly asking…
Welcome to Part 2 of our Top Tips for retirees moving to France articles. We're following on from part 1 article which is all about things that you can do to make your transition to your new life in France as easy and stress…
If you read our comprehensive Guide to buying a French property , you’ll be aware that without the right planning, your move could be fraught with danger. In life, hindsight is a wonderful thing and one of the key…